$570 of $1,500 raised

All of our riders have their own reasons for supporting our mission, but during the ride they are all united for one goal: to make sure that those who made the ultimate sacrifice are honored and never forgotten.

When asked about his motivation to participate, Tom said that "As a parent and an educator, I ardently believe that the loss of an education should not accompany the overwhelming anguish that comes with the sudden loss of a loved one. Both of my grandfathers and my father served in the Army with honor and distinction during WWI, WWII, and The Korean War. I have always, and will continue to, hold in highest regard those that dedicate themselves at great personal risk to protecting our nation. By looking after the needs of the children so profoundly affected, this foundation is doing a great service."

Please support Tom's goal by donating to his cause to make sure this year's recipient will forever remember the sacrifice their parent made for this country.

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Donation Total: $1 for 12