SSgt. Travis Mills, Portrait by Sean Berry
Staff Sergeant Travis Mills
father of
Chloe Mills
Branch: United States Army
Organizations: 82nd Airborne, 4th Brigade Combat Team Afghanistan, three deployments
Operation: War on Terrorism/Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan
Circumstances: While on foot patrol during Travis' 3rd tour to Afghanistan, he was critically injured by an IED. The explosion resulted in the immediate loss of three limbs. Two days later, his remaining arm had to be amputated below the elbow.
Medically Retired: April 10, 2012 (What was actual date of retirement by Army?)
Awards/Promotions: Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Army Achievement, Army Accommodations Medal
Travis is only one of five quadruple amputees from this war. During his recovery at the U.S. Army’s flagship hospital, Walter Reed, Travis found a passion for inspiring fellow wounded servicemen and women. While at Walter Reed, Travis consistently toured the facility seeking opportunities to encourage and spend time with fellow wounded soldiers and their families. For this service, Travis quickly earned the nickname, the “Mayor,” at Walter Reed.
To carry on his passion, Travis Mills founded the Travis Mills Foundation, a nonprofit organization, formed to benefit and assist wounded and injured veterans and their families. Travis continues to inspire wounded servicemen, women and their families by showing them they can overcome their physical obstacles and emotional challenges and find purpose by staying the course through their recovery and beyond.
Travis' motto - "Never Give Up. Never Quit."
Please visit the SSG Travis Mills Foundation to learn about his amazing story, as well as the love and inspiration he is giving to other amputees. His story will touch your hearts deeply. *All photos and information were provided courtesy of the SSG Travis Mills Foundation.
Order Travis' book today "Tough as They Come"
Learn about Travis' move/view the trailer "Travis: A Soldier's Story"
Staff Sergeant Travis Mills, thank you for your service to our country!
We will never, ever forget!